Male and Female Blue Winged Teal ducks at Sweetwater Wetlands Park Gainesville Florida. They were together but wouldn't cooperate and get close enough for a single shot of both.
#bluewingedteal #duck #nature #outdoors #wildlife #wetlands #sweetwater #photography #myphoto #Florida
They actually brought them back a few weeks ago but I was to busy to go look at them. If you can watch on a bigger screen you can see how fast they fly off on the wider shots. I just thought it was pretty cool. 🙂
Last time we only had 6 pallets here and they brought 9 this time. They will be here for the spring and some summer then off to Cali for the almond crops.
This is a little sunrise shot I took of my backyard and lean-to barn. I am an amature photographer mainly of birds and wildlife. I am here to share my photography and I hope you join me in my adventure.