Wokn Roland Photography
Art • Pets/Animals
Enjoy some of my amature wildlife photography. Maybe one day I will stop being such an amature.?
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Easy Boring Walk pt2

Think I went a little further than I should have. I don't know if it is the pavement or the faster walking pace but those extra 2 mile busted me. Came across a rattle snake.


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Good Morning

Little Mr Downy Drummer

The Bees Are Back in Town 🤣

They actually brought them back a few weeks ago but I was to busy to go look at them. If you can watch on a bigger screen you can see how fast they fly off on the wider shots. I just thought it was pretty cool. 🙂

Last time we only had 6 pallets here and they brought 9 this time. They will be here for the spring and some summer then off to Cali for the almond crops.


When Phoebe (aka Number 2) was giving birth Dipstick just had to see why he wasn't getting all the attention.

#pursday #cat #homesteading #myvideo

Welcome Locals

This is a little sunrise shot I took of my backyard and lean-to barn. I am an amature photographer mainly of birds and wildlife. I am here to share my photography and I hope you join me in my adventure.

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Early Spring?

I wonder if this Lil Lady Kestrel is same one that comes back every year. No matter, I still enjoy their visits.

#birding #nature #wildlife #photography #myphoto

Neck Beards of Sweetwater

Great Blue Herons at Sweetwater Wetlands Park

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